Thursday, June 2, 2011

On this Table You will find;Our Guest Book for You to Sign

I have had a hard time figuring out what I thought would be awesome at our wedding for a guestbook. I, obviously, love diving into one project after another. Therefore, I've been doing some research. I've loved the idea of a photo book that lets people sign on or around pictures. With that said, I've already made one of those. :)

Here are some other things that I really have considered and some I am still considering. I just don't think that the photo book will be enough? Maybe the photo book at the Ceremony and then something more "crafty" at the Reception. Hmm... these are things I like to ponder for long periods of time when I'm bored.

The "Guest Bench" - by the same person who made the quilt. Uh, IMPRESSIVE!

I <3 pictures so the Polaroid Guest Book is a fave, but since we're doing a Photo booth it might be too many pictures.

I'm sure that I'll find more things that I enjoy and that I want to do, but eventually one will make more sense to me & I'm sure Mr. O will love it, too. :)

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