Sunday, August 21, 2011

DIY Sunday

My schedule is back on track and Sunday (at least 1/2 of the day) is being utilized for DIY projects again. Yay! Today, I made a trip to Jo Ann Fabrics and Micheal's with my list of supplies in hand. Huge Sales and they have iPhone apps with all of their coupons!  I was able to purchase everything that I needed + some. Seriously, who doesn't buy cardstock when it's buy one get one free?! Oh, you don't.... never mind, then.

When I got home I organized all of my purchases and decided to dive into some Flower Girl and Ring Bearer projects. I started out with the FG basket. I would talk about a tutorial that I used if I had actually used one, but I didn't. I just made it up and I have to say I'm wondering if I'll actually have our FG carry it. It's not bad, but I just have something specific in my head and I'm not sure I pulled it off. I'll revisit the project somewhere down the line and see what I think at that point.

I made the RB pillow, too. I actually really like it. I think it'll be nice for our RB to carry down. I added a bow around the button to attach the "rings." I say "rings" because they won't be our actual rings. I like to consider them as stand-ins that will add more cuteness to our RB's ensemble.

The button in the middle is lime green.
A little color goodness on the backside of the pillow.

The last project that I worked on was a test run. I've been trying to figure out what to do for table numbers. Everything, before now, has just not done it for me. Today, I tried something and I heart it! It's currently on my desk right now and I keep looking at it and thinking about how much I like it. haha :) Perfection! I don't want to spoil the surprise but it does have to do with vellum and picture frames. Owww!! Ahhhh!!!

**Mid-August has come and gone and there has been major progress! The trip to South Carolina was super productive and helpful. It was a very busy weekend, but that included a meeting with the florist and 2 catering appointments. I haven't signed contracts, but I'm just waiting to hear back from them with official numbers.

Mr. O hard at work.

**We're over halfway through the deployment! I also found out on Friday that Mr. O made the boards for Career Designation! That is amazing news and I'm so excited for him because I know that's what he wanted. I haven't been able to talk to him so I'm not sure if he knows or if he's super excited or anything. I can't wait to congratulate him!

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

The Beauty of Making a Decision

It sounds so much easier than it actually is: Just decide! That's too simple, isn't it? Today, and for the last few times that I've visited the wedding to-do list, I can't make a single decision! Trust me, there are plenty of things to decide on. I just can't do it!

So far the biggest thorn in my side has been the bridesmaids dresses. Not because I don't love my 5 lovely ladies, because I do! It's just super, super hard to make a decision about something that has everything to do with someone else. The only trouble is, you're making the decision and then asking... basically telling... them to pay for it! I struggle with this. Yes, I want something that I like and all of that but it is important to me that they like it, too.

My family was in town this past weekend. After I got done trying on my dress for the first time **more on that later!!**, and doing a lot of spins while grinning like a child, my sister tried on A LOT of bridesmaids dresses. We have narrowed it down, once again, but I think I just need to decide and roll with it. So far, I haven't second-guessed any decisions that have been made. What do I need to do? Oh yeah, "Just decide!" Seriously, the beauty of making a decision is that you don't have to think about it again and you can mark it off of your list!

Today, I was dragging my feet about blocking off hotels. HOTELS! I knew it was a good price and location for all of our out of town guests. I even knew that I wanted to block it off, but I just kept checking, double checking, and checking again.... for WHAT?! So, if that gives you any idea about how indecisive I am about things that other people have to pay for, you can see why I'm running into trouble. Thank goodness for my mom, who finally was sick of hearing about it and told me to reserve them. *Thanks, Mom!*

Oh my! I feel like I've written this post 30 times and I'm sure if I reread all of my posts I'd find a time or two where I have mentioned it before. Moving on... for now...

 Excuse my "I'm tired and don't care" face. Check out those tabs!

I have done a lot of reorganizing! I went through my wedding binder and got rid of all of the ideas that were no longer interesting to me and make a ton of more tabs! I feel SO organized and love it. However, I think I need a bigger binder. Ha!

 The one bag that I made that took me forever to do. No thanks! DIY fail!

I also started a new DIY project and then decided to stop because it was taking a ridiculous amount of time and turns out, I can't sew. I take that back, I CAN sew. I'm just not good at it and this project would have taken months. I'm not interested in all of that, especially when I have much more important things to make! Not to mention, I found some awesome Etsy sellers that are so affordable.

I need to get back to the Sunday invitation routine. I've just been busy doing fun stuff (not to say making our invites isn't fun) and haven't had a solid Sunday to work on them. This weekend, that will change!

*My dress!!!! I love her. She loves me. It's definitely a love/love relationship. I hope it stays that way. I won't see her again for a lot of months, but oh-em-gee I adore her. Yay!*

 He's handsome.

**Mr. O is doing awesome and makes me proud every day. We're coming up on the halfway point of the big D. Holy cow, that's awesome! There is one thing that I'm not digging about Mr. O: he currently has a mustache. That's GOTTA go! lol

I'm trying to keep him updated about wedding planning as much as possible, but not much movement has been made recently. In mid-August I should have a ton of more things to discuss: food, flowers, invites, etc...**